Sunday, April 15, 2007


The most dangerous submission move in wrestling is not the Sharpshooter, nor is it the Crippler Crossface. It's not the Ankle Lock and it certainly isn't the Walls of Jericho. No, the most dangerous submission in the game, or at least according to the WWE writers, is John Cena's expertly-applied STFU.

For those of you unware of the move, the STFU is more or less the STF (Stepover Toehold Facelock) invented by Lou Thesz, one of wrestling's finest. You've probably heard Good Old JR get a little too excited when Stone Cold hits a "Lou Thesz press." Same guy. Despite the fact that Cena can barely put the damn move on, everyone and their mother seems to be tapping out to it.

Triple H, who has faced Cactus Jack in both a Street Fight and a Hell in a Cell, couldn't handle the immense pain and tapped at last year's WrestleMania. Shawn Michaels, who got put in an uncountable number of Sharpshooters at WrestleMania 12, tapped out last month at WrestleMania 23. Umaga, built to be some immovable object, tapped out at New Year's Revolution. And finally, Chris Benoit, who has made his name by submitting other wrestlers, tapped CLEAN to the STFU.

I wouldn't have such an issue if this were an awesome move (it's not), Cena was supposed to be a technical wrestler (he's not), Cena could apply the damn thing (he can't), and he wasn't submitting some of the toughest wrestlers of the last decade (unfortunately, he is).