Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Where Do They Go Now?

You have to be sick of this photo by now.

The McMahon storyline, which I absolutely hated, is now gone due to the recent tragedy of Chris Benoit. Benoit's unfortunate suicide forced the chairman to stop his death storyline and reveal to all of the rednecks in the world that he was actually NOT dead. Although they are getting media coverage for Chris Benoit, it is DEFINITELY not the type of media coverage that a company questions asked. They had some positive media coverage for the McMahon storyline among wrestling websites and blogs (Drew Arnold), but the majority of the mainstream news treated McMahon's "death" as a joke and actually spoke out against it (The Wall Street Journal, and myself).

So the question is, where do they go from here? Actually where CAN they go from here? Now that they realize that they were mourning a murderer...also the best wrestler in the company...they threw away the "storyline of the year" for "no reason." The creative team is going to have to get creative (sounds obvious, doesn't it?) and figure out how to dig out of this hole.

I am going to go ahead and call a nice storyline where Shane tried to kill his father, but was unsuccessful. But they have a few that they can choose from...such as Vince's family is grateful that he is alright and they create the McMahon empire and rule RAW, or the unsuccessful murder attempt as I mentioned above, or they could use this "explosion survival" to change Mr. McMahon's mind on issues and turn him face.

These storylines are extremely elaborate and they probably will not happen, but we will have to sit tight and wait for monday to roll around. Please post any potential storylines that you see coming out of McMahon's quick return from his "death."


Benjamin Zeidler said...

Can't wait for Monday to be here. I'm pissed that a missed an awesome night of wrestling so we could mourn a murderer.

Also, this wasn't just the storyline of the year, this was supposed to be the defining storyline since the InVasion. I can only think of a few which rival this-McMahon vs. Austin, Who ran over Stone Cold?, Shane buying WCW Nitro all come to mind.

Benjamin Zeidler said...

that I missed*

Sorry for the typo kids; there's no edit function on comments.

Jesse Hill said...

hey, i actually read somewhere that on monday, the original Raw instead of the tribute was gonna have linda arrested, so i think they were gonna say she did it. lol

Anonymous said...

How's this for a replacement storyline:

Vince never, ever shows up on WWE television ever again, and everyone has a rare bout of good taste and decides to just drop any and all references to that stupid death angle.

Instead, the Feds re-open an investigation into WWE and steroids; advertisers leave the WWE in droves; USA, Sci-Fi and the CW drop WWE programming; WWE stock plummets on the news that McMahon may be indicted; WWE folds, and the death machine that is pro wrestling grounds to a halt once and for all.

Now THAT'S a storyline I'd like to see.