Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Irish Whip Fighting Exclusive: Peter Goldman, Doctor Of The Stars

Irish Whip Fighting spent some time with Dr. Peter Goldman, doctor of MMA stars the world over. He uses his special brand of "zone healing" to work on fighters such as BJ Penn and Bas Rutten. Check out his site at and read more about Dr. Goldman's insights from the MMA scene below. An Interview By Ben Zeidler

Ben Zeidler:
How did you get involved with this field of study in the first place?
Dr. Peter Goldman: After studying Economics for 4 years and working in the NYC business world for 4 more years I felt it was time to do something to help people. I enrolled in chiropractic school and the journey began.

BZ: Do you have any formal MMA training?
DPG: Black belt in Oyama full contact karate. Was one of the top middleweight fighters for Oyama in the early 1990's. Have been studying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 5 years. I have also done some boxing and Thai boxing.

BZ: Can you tell us what a typical session with a mixed martial artist is like?
DPG: Just like any other patient except I may do a little more extremity adjusting if necessary.

BZ: And can you tell us more about "zone healing?"
DPG: Man, I love Zone Healing. According to its founder Dr. Fleet, it is a way to balance the systems of the body in a natural way. My site explains more about this.

BZ: Being a doctor of high caliber MMA fighters, kickboxers, martial artists and boxers, which of the group usually comes in the most battered?
DPG: Kickboxers and MMA fighters.

BZ: How did you originally get involved with taking care of fighters like Bas Rutten, The Machado brothers, Verissimo and BJ Penn?
DPG: Results are what these guys want and that's what they get.

BZ: As a doctor of mixed martial artists, you probably have seen all levels of flexibility...but have you ever seen anyone as flexible as BJ Penn?
DPG: No, Eddie Bravo is close though.

BZ: What's the most rewarding experience you've had during your time in this profession?
DPG: Connecting with a patient on a Soul level and watching them transform physically, mentally, and Spiritually.

BZ: Are there fighters that you'd like to work with some day?
DPG: Peter Aerts.

BZ: Bas Rutten is well-known for his colorful personality and he's a good friend of Irish Whip Fighting. Everyone has a good Bas story. What's yours?
DPG: There are plenty of Bas stories out there, all I will add is that beyond all that he is a really good friend who is always there when you need him.

BZ: Often times you see MMA fighters shaking hands or raising the other opponents hand even after being defeated. Do you notice a more humble, down-to-earth attitude from MMA fighters than the boxers or kickboxers?
DPG: Than boxers yes; kickboxers are close to MMA fighters in this regard.

BZ: Regarding the fight or flight response, many experts say that fighters have this sense so perfectly honed that they are able to turn it on or off like a light switch. Others say that fighters can actually over train this response and at some times become too relaxed and not get as good of an adrenaline dump. From a biological/scientific standpoint, can you comment on this?
DPG: From a biological/scientific standpoint I cannot comment, but I can say that everyone is different and what works for one fighter may not for another. Everyone has to know themselves to see what works best for them.