Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Guys I Like

So I know we spend the majority of our time on here bashing wrestlers, decisions, cards, and anything else we can get our hands on, but the truth is, I love the WWE. I wouldn't watch it if I didn't. It provides a kind of scripted entertainment which few of the greatest classic sports moments can rival. Taking all of this into consideration, I decided to make a list of guys who I just like.

Edge: A fantastic wrestler, trained by Stu Hart and Dory Funk Jr. (you guys know I put a ton of stock into the trainer(s)) has emerged as THE complete wrestler in the WWE. He can take bumps, he can give bumps, he can technically wrestle till hell freezes over, and boy can he work that mic. The best on the mic since DX and The Rock, Edge has vastly improved from a non-speaking "enigma" to someone I actually want to listen to. I think I'm still laughing from his Money In The Bank segment in which he referred to King Booker as "King Booka" and asked Matt Hardy "Why are you here?"

Johnny Nitro: Another naturally gifted athlete, Nitro has the unique ability to adapt to his opponents style, creating matches that are just fun to watch. A co-winner of the third season of Tough Enough, Nitro reminds me of a young Shawn Michaels. Charismatic, athletic, and all the tools needed to be a force in this business for another decade.

Kenny: I get shit from Drew for this, but I honestly like Kenny. I think that if he wasn't pigeon-holed into these shitty gimmicks, he'd be well-respected instead of a huge joke. Actually, I think he would've made a nice fit in the newest DX. Kenny was trained by Killer Kowalski and that in itself is enough for me to trust that he knows what he's doing. The WWE just needs to give him, not Chris Masters, the push. (It only took me half a post to start bashing the WWE's decisions...back to

The Miz: Shut up, Drew. I love The Miz. What isn't there to like about a genuine guy who has always wanted to be a wrestler? It's like if I were good looking and strong and worked really hard and one day, I made it into the WWE. The product would be the creation of the ultimate face, which is what The Miz brings to the business. He's someone everyone can love. I know he was trained by Al Snow, who is no Killer Kowalski, but I still think he's got enough appeal and ability to have a successful career.

Marcus Cor Von: Whether you want to call him Monty Brown, The Alpha Male, or MCV, this guy (trained by Stu Hart and Dan Severn) can flat out put on a show. He showed us this during his match with CM Punk, another one of the most highly touted recruits the WWE has. In that match, however, it was Cor Von, not Punk, who ran the pacing of the match and looked like he had been in the company for ten years. Cool moves, a fun gimmick, and ability (rare for one of McMahon's big men) are what make MCV one of my favorites.

RVD: Do I even need to explain this one? Who doesn't like RVD? The last man to really stand up to Vince and the influx of non-extreme wrestlers into ECW, RVD has one of the most innovative move sets I've ever seen. He's like a more athletic Shawn Michaels, if that's even possible. RVD is the Jesus of wrestling; there's no move you could explain that he couldn't pull off. He always puts on a show for the fans, even when he's in the midst of contract negotiations, and I know I'll miss him greatly in a few months.

The Sandman: This drinking, smoking, overweight extremist has to be one of the most interesting men to ever step into the squared circle. From his entrance to his look to his general lack of interest in the match itself, The Sandman is always worth watching. Is he a good wrestler? Not even close. Does he have the physique of any of the other men on this list? Hell no. If I could choose four men to put into an extreme rules match, would The Sandman be one of them? You bet.

For the love of RVD, PLEASE write comments to our blogs. I'm not talking about the other writers who post on my stuff to make me feel good about myself; I'm talking about all you out there who read us on a daily basis. Let us know you're out there! Tell us if you agree. Yell at us if you don't. We don't really care; we just want to hear from you!