Monday, June 4, 2007

One Night Stand Reaction / RAW Preview

I missed one! As Jared and Ben so insightfully predicted, RVD defeated Randy Orton last night at One Night Stand. Good for WWE, as they accomplished two things with the finish of this match: they progressed Orton's gimmick as "the legend killer" and they also didn't make RVD look bad in his last match.

All of the other matches on this PPV were somewhat easy to predict, especially the title matches. Cena and Lashley continued to receive their "superman" pushes, Edge will clearly be given a long title reign, and the Hardys continued to make ladder matches their specialty. This should not come as a surprise at all because the draft is coming up! That should provide us with some excellent feuds...maybe Cena-Batista, Benoit-Orton, and MVP-Punk? We'll see.

On to a preview of tonight's RAW. Look for pretty much everything to remain the status quo heading into the draft. They may even have Cena defeat Khali one last time.

The one thing that I predict will shake up is the tag division. It is well known that Vince McMahon prefers the Hardys as singles wrestlers. Also, in my infinite foresight, I see a quick feud between Edge and Matt Hardy arising before Kennedy returns, which may require that the Hardys drop the tag belts to provide for more attention on their singles feuds. Maybe Cade and Murdoch turn on them within the next couple of weeks?

Finally, my last hope for RAW tonight is that we get more information on the draft. How many picks will each brand receive? Will injured wrestlers be subject to the draft? This would make it easier on me when I do my WWE draft predictions.

Drew Arnold, writing for The Irish Whip